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Award lectures related to the GEFTA Science Award, the Netzsch-GEFTA Award 2014, and the TAInstruments Industrial Research Award will be presented.

The GEFTA Science Award 2014 has been awarded to Professor Christoph Schick (University of Rostock)
His Award lecture (Sept. 17, 2014) will be entitled: Calorimetry on time scales from microseconds to days.

The Netzsch-GEFTA Award 2014 has been awarded to Professor Jaroslav ¦esták (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
His Award lecture (Sept. 18, 2014) will be entitled: Temperature and its meaning under various and extreme conditions.

The TAInstruments Industrial Research Award has been awarded to Dr. Leon Olde Damink (Matricel GmbH)
His Award lecture (Sept. 19, 2014) will be entitled: Nerve guides - Thermal analysis as a key to successful product design.