Die wichtigsten Normen auf dem Gebiet der Thermischen Analyse

Oft gilt es, Untersuchungen anhand besonderer Normen oder Regelwerke durchzuführen bzw. die Angaben aus der Literatur oder aus Firmenspezifikationen nachzuvollziehen. Bisweilen muss man die Bedingungen kennen, unter denen bestimmte Untersuchungen durchgeführt wurden, und würde gern in der entsprechenden Norm oder Vorschrift nachlesen.
Die Unterzeichner haben es daher für die Leser der GEFTA-Mitteilungen übernommen, alle einschlägigen Titel zusammenzustellen. Eine Gewähr für Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit wird nicht übernommen!

ASTM D 2766 (1991): Test method for specific heats of liquids and solids

ASTM D 3386 (1984 (Rev. 1989)): Test method for coefficient of linear thermal expansion of electrical insulating materials

ASTM D 3417 (1983 (Rev. 1988)): Test method for heats of fusion and crystallization of polymers by thermal analysis

ASTM D 3418 (1982 (Rev. 1988)): Test method for transition temperatures of polymers by thermal analysis

ASTM D 3850 (1984): Test method for rapid thermal degradation of solid electrical insulating materials by thermogravimetric method

ASTM D 3895 (1992): Test method for oxidative-induction time of polyolefins by differential scanning calorimetry

ASTM D 3947 (1992): Test method for specific heat of aircraft turbine lubricants by thermal analysis

ASTM D 4065 (1992): Determining and reporting dynamic mechanical properties of plastics

ASTM D 4092 (1990): Terminology relating to dynamic mechanical measurements on plastics

ASTM D 4419 (1990): Test method for measurement of transition temperatures of petroleum waxes by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

ASTM D 4816 (1988 (Rev. 1994)): Test method for specific heat of aircraft turbine fuels by thermal analysis

ASTM D 4951 (1987): Temperatures and heats of transition of fluoropolymers by DSC

ASTM D 5028 (1990): Test method for curing properties of pultrusion resins by thermal analysis

ASTM E 473 (1986 (Rev. 1988)): Definitions of terms relating to thermal analysis

ASTM E 537 (1986): Test method for assessing the thermal stability of chemicals by methods of differential thermal analysis

ASTM E 698 (1979 (Rev. 1984)): Test method for Arrhenius kinetic constants for thermally unstable materials

ASTM E 793 (1985 (Rev. 1989)): Test method for heats of fusion and crystallization by differential scanning calorimetry

ASTM E 794 (1985 (Rev. 1989)): Test method for melting and crystallization temperatures by thermal analysis

ASTM E 831 (1986): Test method for linear thermal expansion of solid materials by thermomechanical analysis

ASTM E 914 (1983 (Rev. 1987)): Standard practice for evaluating temperature scale for thermogravimetry

ASTM E 928 (1985 (Rev. 1989)): Test method for mol percent impurity by differential scanning calorimetry

ASTM E 967 (1992): Standard practice for temperature calibration of differential scanning calorimeters and differential thermal analyzers

ASTM E 968 (1983 (Rev. 1987)): Standard practice for heat flow calibration of differential scanning calorimeters

ASTM E 1131 (1986): Test method for compositional analysis by thermogravimetry

ASTM E 1269 (1990): Test method for determining specific heat capacity by differential scanning calorimetry

ASTM E 1356 (1991): Test method for glass transition temperatures by differential scanning calorimetry or differential thermal analysis

DIN 51004 (1994): Thermal analysis (TA). Determination of melting temperatures of crystalline materials by differential thermal analysis (DTA)

DIN 51005 (1993): Thermal analysis (TA). Terms

DIN 51006 (1990): Thermal analysis (TA). Principles of thermogravimetry

DIN 51007 (1994): Thermal analysis (TA). Differential thermal analysis (DTA). Principles

DIN 51045-1 (1989): Determination of the thermal expansion of solids. Basic rules

DIN 51045-2 (1976): Determination of the change of length of solids by thermal effect. Testing of fired fine ceramic material

DIN 51045-3 (1976): Determination of the change of length of solids by thermal effect. Testing of non-fired fine ceramic material

DIN 51045-4 (1976): Determination of the change of length of solids by thermal effect. Testing of fired ordinary ceramic material

DIN 51045-5 (1976): Determination of the change of length of solids by thermal effect. Testing of non-fired ordinary ceramic material

DIN 50456-1 (1991): Testing of materials for semiconductor technology. Method for the characterisation of moulding compounds for electronic components. Determination of the thermo-mechanical dilatation of epoxy resin moulding compounds

DIN 53545 (1990): Determination of low-temperature behaviour of elastomers. Principles and test methods

DIN 53765 (1994): Testing of plastics and elastomeres. Thermal analysis. DSC-method

DIN-E 65467 (1989): Aerospace. Testing of organic polymeric materials with and without reinforcement. DSC method

EN 821-1 (1995): Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Thermo-physical properties. Part 1: Determination of thermal expansion

prEN 821-2 (1992): Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Thermo-physical properties. Part 2: Determination of thermal diffusivity

ENV 821-3 (1993): Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Thermo-physical properties. Part 3: Determination of specific heat capacity

ENV 1159-1 (1993): Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic composites. Thermophysical properties. Part 1: Determination of thermal expansion

ENV 1159-2 (1993): Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic composites. Thermophysical properties. Part 2: Determination of thermal diffusivity

ENV 1159-3 (1995): Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic composites. Thermophysical properties. Part 3: Determination of specific heat capacity

prEN 1878 (1995): Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Reactive functions related to epoxy resins. Thermogravimetry of polymers. Temperature scanning method

prEN 3877 (1993): Aerospace series. Test methods for braze alloys. Determination of solidus and liquidus temperatures by differential thermal analysis

IEC 1006 (1991): Methods of test for determination of the glass transition temperature of electrical insulating materials

IEC/TR 1026 (1991): Guidelines for application of analytical test methods for thermal endurance testing of electrical insulation materials

IEC/TR 1074 (1991): Method of test for the determination of heats and temperatures of melting and crystallization of electrical insulating materials by differential scanning calorimetry

ISO 472 (1988): Plastics. Vocabulary

ISO 745 (1976): Methods of sampling and test for sodium carbonate for industrial use. Determination of non-volatile matter

ISO 3146 (1985): Plastics. Determination of melting behaviour (melting temperature or melting range) of semi-crystalline polymers

ISO 7111 (1987): Plastics. Thermogravimetry of polymers. Temperature scanning method

ISO/DIS 9924 (1991): Rubber and rubber products. Determination of composition by thermogravimetry

ISO 9924-1 (1993): Rubber and rubber products. Determination of composition of vulcanizates and uncured compounds by thermogravimetry. Part 1: Butadiene, ethylene-propylene copolymer and terpolymer, isobutene-isoprene, isoprene and styrene-butadiene rubbers

ISO/DIS 11357-1 (1994): Plastics. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). General principles

ISO/DIS 11358 (1994): Plastics. Thermogravimetry (TG) of polymers. General principles

ISO 11409 (1993): Plastics. Phenolic resins. Determination of heats and temperatures of reaction by differential scanning calorimetry

JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) for Thermal Analysis

JIS K 0129-1994: General Rules for Thermal Analysis

JIS K 7120-1987: Testing Methods of Plastics by Thermogravimetry

JIS K 7121-1987: Testing Methods for Transition Temperatures of Plastics

JIS K 7122-1987: Testing Methods for Heat of Transition of Plastics

JIS K 7123-1987: Testing Method for Softening Temperature of Thermoplastic Film and Sheeting by Thermomechanical Analysis

JIS K 7197-1991: Testing Method for Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Plastics by Thermomechanical Analysis

Die Normen sind zu beziehen durch: Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin.

S. M. Sarge und H.K. Cammenga, Braunschweig

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